ICTR Members

The International Committee on Trade Regulations (ICTR) founded in October 2008, is an official committee of INSCA, the International Natural Sausage Casing Association. The ICTR is one of the many benefits of being a member company of INSCA. The mission of the ICTR is to deal with existing or emerging trade barriers around the world and find ways to resolve these barriers in order to achieve global free-trade in natural casings, as stated in the INSCA bylaws, concentrating mainly on two general categories of trade barriers; Veterinary / public health related issues.

Barbara Negron
North America/ Chairwoman

Heike Molkenthin
Europe Member States

Youssef ElShatby
North Africa

David Moses

Jonathan Hirst

K.H Khalid

Matthijs Knetsch
South America

Stanley He